'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

Interface HotswapProxy

public interface HotswapProxy

Method Summary
 void hotswap_dequeue()
          Explicitly dequeues this Proxy as a participant in the next hotswap transaction in the parent ProxyClass.
 void hotswap_enqueue()
          Explicitly enqueues this Proxy as a participant in the next hotswap transaction in the parent ProxyClass.
 ProxyClass hotswap_getProxyClass()
          Returns the parent ProxyClass.
 boolean hotswap_isEnqueued()
          Returns true if this Proxy instance is registered as a participant in the next hotswap transaction.
 void hotswap_release()
          Explicitly releases any resources associated with this Proxy.

Method Detail


ProxyClass hotswap_getProxyClass()
Returns the parent ProxyClass.


void hotswap_enqueue()
Explicitly enqueues this Proxy as a participant in the next hotswap transaction in the parent ProxyClass. This will be done automatically after each commit or rollback if the isAutoEnqueue property is set to true. The proxy.hotswap() calls this method as well, so it is not necessary to use unless you want to queue up several Proxy instances to be hotswapped in the same transaction.


void hotswap_dequeue()
Explicitly dequeues this Proxy as a participant in the next hotswap transaction in the parent ProxyClass.


boolean hotswap_isEnqueued()
Returns true if this Proxy instance is registered as a participant in the next hotswap transaction.


void hotswap_release()
Explicitly releases any resources associated with this Proxy. It usually not necessary to worry about having to explicitly release a Proxy; it is required only if one of the following two conditions are true:
  • The Object po returned by the hotswap_getInstance() method is known to be an instanceof ProxyObject AND it is known that the implementation of po.hotswap_onRelease() requires explicit release (even when not within the context of a hotswap transaction). This implementation behavior is not recommended. Your object should have a different method that is exposed on the object itself to do any non-hotswap-transaction related cleanup.
  • po.isAutoEnqueue() returns true. If a Proxy instance is autoenqueueing, it is always registered with the parent ProxyClass as a hotswap transaction participant. Of course, if the parent ProxyClass always contains a reference to this object, it will never be garbage collected. Calling this method ensures that the parent ProxyClass does not hold any references to this Proxy and hence will presumably be garbage-collectable.

  • 'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

    'The most important classes are StrapAlign, Protein and StrapEvent.'