'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

Interface HasSharedControlPanel

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractExecutable, NativeTools

public interface HasSharedControlPanel

Implemented by objects that can contain a GUI where the user can manipulate the inner state. Usually the settings within this control panel are valid for all instances of this class. However, if the class implements NeedsSharedInstance it is valid for all those instances that have a reference to the same shared instance. The user can access the control panel by pressing a tool button ICON:IC_CONTROLPANEL. After pressing this button the control panel is obtained by creating a temporary instance of the class. In case the classe implements NeedsSharedInstance the reference of this instance is passed to all instances, otherwise the instance is discarded after retrieving the control panel. See also JAVADOC:HasControlPanel which provides a control panel for a specific instance.

Method Summary
 Container getSharedControlPanel()

Method Detail


Container getSharedControlPanel()

'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

'The most important classes are StrapAlign, StrapProtein and StrapEvent.'