'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

Interface ValueOfProtein

All Superinterfaces:
HasModiCount, HasProtein
All Known Subinterfaces:
ProteinProteinDistance, ProteinProteinSimilarity, ProteinProteinValue
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAlignAndCompare, AlignmentScore, CountResidues, IndividualSequenceDisSimilarity, RmsdValue, SequenceDisSimilarityAsAligned

public interface ValueOfProtein
extends HasProtein, HasModiCount

Plugin that returns a numeric value for the protein or NaN. It is used for bar charts. It should notify changes by dispatching events of type JAVADOC:StrapEvent#VALUE_OF_PROTEIN_CHANGED and dispatching it with JAVADOC:StrapEvent#run().

Method Summary
 void compute()
          When it is time consuming then do the calculation in the compute method.
 double getValue()
 boolean setProtein(Protein p)
Methods inherited from interface charite.christo.protein.HasProtein
Methods inherited from interface charite.christo.HasModiCount

Method Detail


double getValue()


void compute()
When it is time consuming then do the calculation in the compute method. Non time intensive calculations can be performed in getValue() directly.


boolean setProtein(Protein p)

'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

'The most important classes are StrapAlign, Protein and StrapEvent.'