'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

Interface ValueOfResidue

All Superinterfaces:
HasModiCount, HasProtein
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractValueOfResidue, DialogPlot, Hydrophobicity, ResidueHydrophobicity_TOPPRED, ResidueSolventAccessibility, ResidueValues_from_textfile

public interface ValueOfResidue
extends HasProtein, HasModiCount

Method Summary
 double[] getValues()
          Plugin that returns a numeric value for each amino acid of the protein or null.
 void setProtein(Protein p)
Methods inherited from interface charite.christo.protein.HasProtein
Methods inherited from interface charite.christo.HasModiCount

Method Detail


double[] getValues()
Plugin that returns a numeric value for each amino acid of the protein or null. These are plotted in the alignment pane. It should notify changes by dispatching a JAVADOC:StrapEvent of type JAVADOC:StrapEvent#VALUE_OF_RESIDUE_CHANGED


void setProtein(Protein p)

'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

'The most important classes are StrapAlign, Protein and StrapEvent.'