'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

Interface StrapExtension

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConsensusSequence, DemoAssociateObjectsToProteins

public interface StrapExtension
extends StrapListener

StrapExtension defines a general multi-purpose plugin. With the method handleEvent(StrapEvent) it can react on changes of the alignments. The run method may contain code that is run when the user presses [apply or start plugin]. A reference to the StrapAlign object can be obtained from the first incomming StrapEvent with the method getStrapAlign().

Method Summary
 void handleEvent(StrapEvent e)
 void run()

Method Detail


void handleEvent(StrapEvent e)
Specified by:
handleEvent in interface StrapListener


void run()

'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

'The most important classes are StrapAlign, StrapProtein and StrapEvent.'