'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

Class Metannogen

  extended by charite.christo.metannogen.Metannogen
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Metannogen
extends Object
implements ChRunnable



Metannogen is a customizable graphical work-bench to organize collections of biochemical reactions of metabolic networks. It consists of a graphical browser for metabolic networks and an editor for user defined collections of biochemical equations. The networks which are provided as SBML files can only be viewed, but not modified. The own collection of datasets, however, can be modified and exported as SBML. The program design allows efficient use of existing knowledge in form of already published metabolic networks for the reconstruction of new metabolic networks. One advantage is that biochemical reaction can be directly copied to the user data. The resulting dataset can be modified and Web-links, notes, remarks and variable declarations can be added. All reactions and datasets with equivalent biochemical equations are cross-linked. Unfortunately, different authorities such as Kegg, the Palsson group, ChEBI, HepatoNet and Reactome prefer different identifier systems for metabolites. Nevertheless, dictionaries can be provided such that reactions are recognized to be identical even if they are written with different identifiers. The equals relation of biochemical equations is important for the graphical user interface: All related reactions and datasets for a given reaction or dataset can be accessed using the context menu. It is also used in the tree-view, where all reactions which equal to a reaction in the user defined collection are highlighted. Metannogen uses the graphical pathway maps from KEGG. In the pathway maps, reactions and metabolites can be highlighted by WIKI:Marching_ants and quantitative data such as flux strength can be shown. The user interface follows conventions of typical graphical applications and implements advanced GUI concepts like browsable trees, WIKI:Cut_paste, WIKI:Word_completion, WIKI:Incremental_search and highlighting, WIKI:Spell-check and automatic Web links. Metannogen does not need to be installed because it can be directly started by clicking the Java-Web-start-button on the Metannogen page. Using a central data store, several people can work simultaneously on the same project. To evaluate Metannogen, the demo database can be selected in the start frame. The demo database is configured to accept simultaneous changes without password. Metannogen supports interprocess communication via socket connection to work in concert with other applications. allow output file formation as part of a shell script. To export the user defined network in SBML or any other format within a shell script, it can be run non-interactively.

Field Summary
static int PORT
Fields inherited from interface charite.christo.interfaces.ChRunnable
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Map<String,String> getDictionaryCompartments()
          See command line parameter -dictionaryOfSpecies
static Map<String,String> getDictionarySpecies()
          See command line parameter -dictionaryOfCompartments
static ReactionCollection getNetwork(String id)
          Returns the networks with the ID for example "KEGG".
static ReactionCollection[] getNetworks()
          Returns an array of all networks.
static ReactionCollection getNetworkTranslated(ReactionCollection networkOrig)
          Translates a given network with the dictionaries for species and compartments.
static Reaction[] getReactionsOfFocusedDataset()
          For validation after input of datasets
static void main(String... argv)
static MReactionCollection newReactionCollectionDatasets(long filter_options)
          Generates a new network object from all datasets.
static boolean reactionIdShouldBeExported(String id)
 Object run(String id, Object arg)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int PORT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Metannogen()
Method Detail


public static void main(String... argv)


public static ReactionCollection[] getNetworks()
Returns an array of all networks. Network files are given with the command shell parameter -networks=list of files/URLs.


public static ReactionCollection getNetwork(String id)
Returns the networks with the ID for example "KEGG". Returns null, if no network is found.


public static MReactionCollection newReactionCollectionDatasets(long filter_options)
Generates a new network object from all datasets.

filter_options - zero or a bit mask from Reaction.FILTER_REJECTED_DATASETS and Reaction.FILTER_NOT_EXCLUDED


public static ReactionCollection getNetworkTranslated(ReactionCollection networkOrig)
Translates a given network with the dictionaries for species and compartments. The dictionaries are used that are specified by command line options.


public static Map<String,String> getDictionaryCompartments()
See command line parameter -dictionaryOfSpecies


public static Map<String,String> getDictionarySpecies()
See command line parameter -dictionaryOfCompartments


public static Reaction[] getReactionsOfFocusedDataset()
For validation after input of datasets


public Object run(String id,
                  Object arg)
Specified by:
run in interface ChRunnable


public static boolean reactionIdShouldBeExported(String id)

'STRAP:multiple sequence alignments '

'The most important classes are StrapAlign, StrapProtein and StrapEvent.'